The Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder O.C.D

Abstract in English

The Study is directed to reveal how effective the behavioral-cognitive therapy in reducing the symptoms of obsession through a program applied on individuals with compulsive behavior and/or obsessive thinking involved in the study. The study uses cognitive therapy techniques and the (intense) exposure and response prevention technique (ERP) that has proved to be efficient in many researches and clinical studies so as to know whether the statistically significant. Differences between the averages of the means of the sample to be studied on a scale for measuring the obsession symptoms before and after applying the therapeutically program on the individuals involved in the sample are attributed to the effect of the program designed. In this study, the sample involves individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder according to Yale Brown Scale, and it includes 12 patients (3) males and (9) females aging (20-25) who were supervised by psychiatrists. The researcher uses the one-group system; i.e., premeasurement – therapy or intervention – post-measurement.

References used

American Psychiatric Association (2000).Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, text revision DSM-IV-TR). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association
Burns, D. (1991). Feeling Good, William Morrow, New York
Barlo ,2002, Clinical Handbook Of Psychological Disorders Second Edition
