Balance of paid and unpaid working hours of for woman and man and it's financial value for the Syrian family A field analytical and comparative study in the southern region of Syria

Abstract in English

Objectives of the research focuses on the following points: - recognizing the amount of paid and unpaid work for women and men and it's financial value - recognizing the amount of unpaid work (domestic and non- domestic) of the family and the estimated financial value. - Calculating the amount of work (paid and unpaid) for both men and women and it's total financial value. - Research community: families residing in the provinces of the southern region of the Syrian Arab Republic. - The sample consisted of 120 families which have been selected by chance from the south-western provinces of Syria. the descriptive analytical method, and Comparative method were used , and data was collected using two tools of research : observation card and semi – standardized interview, and the two instruments underwent validity and reliability procedures .

References used

Desai. Sonalde, Jain. Devaki, Maternal Employment and Changes in Family Dynamics: The Social Context of Women’s Work in Rural South India, Population and Development Review, No. 1, March, 1994
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (1999): Rural women and food security in Asia and the Pacific: Prospects and paradoxes... FAO Valuation of unpaid work
رئاسة الجمهورية العربية السورية ( 2010 ): قانون العمل المرسوم التشريعي رقم 17 تاريخ 29\3\2010
