Effect of the potassium fertilization on the technological and productive properties of two varieties of sugar beet in AL-Gab area

Abstract in English

This research was carried out at the Agricultural Scientific Research Center in AL-Gab during 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 seasons in fall. The experiment was laid according to split plot design with three replicates, to study the effect of potassium fertilization on the technological and productive properties of two varieties of sugar beet (Suprima, D.S. 9004) in AL-Gab area. Four levels of potassium fertilization (0-120-170-220 kg K2O/h) were used. The results showed that the addition of potassium fertilization significantly improved the qualitative and quantitative properties of sugar beet. The higher sucrose (%), yield of root (ton/h) and white sucrose (ton/h) were at the potassium level 170 Kg K2O/h which reached 16.18%, 83.02 ton/h and 11.65 ton/h respectively.

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