Growth Analysis of Spanish Faba bean (var. Alfa dolce) under effect of ploughing methods

Abstract in English

The research was carried out during 2009-2010 in agricultural seasons, in Alqusser area, western south of Homs city to study growth analysis of Spanish faba bean (var.alfa docle) under the effect of different ploughing methods on leaf weight ratio (LWR) relative leaf growth rate (RLGR), leaf area ratio (LAR), leaf area duration (LAD), crop growth rate (GGR) and net assimilation rate (NAR), using four ploughing methods: surface tillage(T1), disk tillage (T2), place tillage (T3) and disk-turning (T4).the experiment was designed at randomized complete blocks, with five replications. The study showed the following: The ploughing methods of disk Tillage (T2), Place tillage (T4), and disk- Surface Tillage (T1) had a Significant increase in leaf weight Ratio (LWR), Relative leaf growth Rate (RLGR), leaf Area Ratio (LAR, leaf Area Duration (LAD), Crop Growth Rate (GGR) and Net Assimilation Rate (NAR) during the Tow seasons. Disk-turning (T4) had significant increase over disk-tillage (T2), and place tillage (T3) in all physiological indicators mentioned above (LWR, RLGR, LAR, LAD, GGR, and NAR). On another hand, there was no significant increase between ploughing methods disk-tillage and place tillage in all studies indicators.

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