The effect of using recycled plastic waste on cement mortar property

Abstract in English

Manufacturing processes are the main source of waste materials, however the increasing awareness about the environment has tremendously contributed to the concerns related with disposal of the generated wastes. Solid waste management is one of the major environmental concerns in the world. With the scarcity of space for land filling and due to its ever increasing cost, waste utilization has become an attractive alternative to disposal. Research is being carried out on the utilization of waste products in concrete. Such waste products include discarded tires, plastic, glass, and coal combustion by-product. This paper presents a detailed review about recycled plastics (polyethylene), as aggregates to cement mortar by replace equivalent weight of sand by plastic in regular specimen and watch its effect on the property of mortar include compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, absorption and heating effect. It is clear that compressive strength, splitting tensile strength decreased with increase in plastic content but this property increases by exposing samples to high temperatures.

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