The effect of social games in increasing social communication for Kindergartens' children " Experimental study for Kindergarten children between (5-6) years in Damascus city"

Abstract in English

Playing is considered one of the most vital needs for the child which is worthy to attention and care. This is because playing is the basic idiosyncrasy and feature of childhood, and it is the motivation behind all processes of maturity and formation. Through playing, the child realizes the whole world, and it is his way to discover himself/herself and his/her abilities. Playing is considered the most suitable way for social communication and interaction with other children. Social communication is one of the basic features of human existence as the human being instinctively needs to communicate, come to an understanding with the others in order to achieve his / her goals, and emphasize his / her social nature. Social communication gives the child the feeling that he / she is part of the human environment. It gives the child the feeling of familiarity among other children. It helps the child to interact with others, fulfill his / her needs and achieve more of his / her goals. Therefore, the researcher focused on revealing the ability of social games and the role they play in giving the necessary skills and new conceptions that help the child to communicate with other children healthily. The researcher has found that the traditional teaching methods are less effective than the modern methods of using the social games to pass on to the child the knowledge and skills of the social communication

References used

Choi, S, Let's play: Children with Autism and Their Play Partners Together, Pub. Schonell Special Education Research Centre, University of Queensland, Australia, 2000, 322
McFarlane, Donovan, Social Communication in a Technology-Driven Society: A Philosophical Exploration of Factor-Impacts and Consequences, American Communication Journal, 2010, 154
