Effect of Altitude above Sea Level on Western Slope of Lattakia Mountains on Seeds and Seedling Characteristics of Quercus infectoria Oliv

Abstract in English

This research was carried out in five sites varied in altitude representing Mediterranean vegetation zones of western slopes of Lattakia Mountains during 2010 - 2011 on Quercus infectoria Oliv species. Research shows that significant difference of altitude above sea level has obvious effect on seed germination in different sites. This is noticed in characteristics related to fruit weight, germination rate value sum, and height of vegetal and rooty seedling after four months of germination. Altitude above sea level has no effect on the branchlet number of rooty and vegetal sum height of seedlings as well as mean of leaves number of seedlings. According to germination ratio and daily germination ratio, in addition to seedling diameter, there is harmony among all sites. It can be deduced that there are changes in growth traits of studied seedlings in different sites. This is the primary indication of the impact of the altitude above sea level on seedling traits of Quercus infectoria Oliv.

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