The Reality of Vocational Intervention with Juvenile Delinquents Field Study in Juvenile Welfare Institutes in City of Damascus

Abstract in English

Social welfare and tranquility in any society is connected with the extent to which the society provides care and attention to solve the problem of juvenile delinquents. This is because the problem of juvenile delinquency is one of the most important and complex social problems facing all societies in the contemporary world, those developed or developing. This era is witnessing a growing increase in juvenile delinquency, which is considered a loss to human development from an economic and social perspective. It's "forces unable to work and produce, corrupting an aspect of the lives of the families and societies. Scientific research has pointed out that crime is most common among young adults and that most adult criminals started their criminal lives since adolescence, where it has been noticed that 60% of the criminals committed crimes before they were sixteen years old (Shafiq, 1996, P. 365). Theoretically speaking, the social welfare institutions are considered the institutional shelter for individuals damaged by family and social circumstances, regardless of the extent or intensity of this damage. By vocational intervention we mean programs offered in the institutes to protect juvenile delinquents who have been damaged by social or psychological circumstances, and rehabilitate them.

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