AL- Shanfara' s Lamyyieh Between Dissidence and Human- selfpride

Abstract in English

The poetic rebels movement was the first rebellious movement in the history of the Arab poetry، when those rebels declared their disobedience and denied the jahili poetic tradition، revolting، assaulting، addicting to adjust things and defeat the alienation. And the rebellion Shanfara made was not but an expression of self impulses، which refused the injustice and tended to revenge from injustice. It is a rebellion mixed with human self-assertion، contesting with society to confirm one's own existence. And the experience of Shanfara is a unique one with relevance to alienation and rebellion attitude، an attitude that presents one of basic human ones against society.

References used

الأصفهاني, أبو الفرج, علي بن الحسين, الأغاني, تحقيق: عبد الستار أحمد فراج, دار الثقافة, بيروت, لبنان, المجلد\1960, 21.
