Conflict on Oil and Gas in Eastern Basin of Mediterranean

Abstract in English

The "Middle East" is one of the most tense regions of the world, and these tensions linked mainly to the existence of the Zionist entity as an outside intity cruel implanted in the heart of the region, and which seeks to exploit and steal any land and wealth lies in his hands. And with the discoveries of reserves the vast gas and oil in the levant basin escalated tensions in the region after Israeli efforts to exploit these reserves and stealing these resourses without taking and this led to the outbreak of differences bilateral and multilateral conflicts of interests among the countries in the region which allows Israel to play a key role in these issues, especially the Lebanese – Israeli conflict ,the Turkish – Cyprios case which Israel is third party in such conflicts.

References used
Levinson,Charles, Chazan ,Guy, "Big Gas Find Sparks a Frenzy in Israel," The Wall Street Journal, December 30, 2010
Israel: Leviathan Holds More Gas Than Previously Estimated," Offshore Energy Today, December 19, 2011
