Physical properties of two soil types from Darya and Abe Jerash and the relationships among their components

Abstract in English

This study was conducted at Darya and Abe Jerash regions to study some Physical properties of the two soil types such as: soil depth, soil texture, bulk density, Specific weight and Porosity. Results showed that Bulk density average decreased and the total porosity increased in the soil of Darya compared to soil of Abe Jerash, due to the high percentage of clay in the first type compared to the second one. Bulk density average in general, increased in both soils with depth. Presence of a strong and positive relationship between the Specific weight and the percentage of sand in the soil of Darya and it was also strong but inverse in the soil of Abe Jerash, but the relationship was. The coefficient of determination was high for silt with Specific weight in the soil of Darya, while this factor was low in the soil of abe Jerash, indicating the high quality of the regression equation that represents the relationship between the two variables in soil of Darya.

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