The Role of Risk Factors For Breast Cancer

Abstract in English

The study included 1,800 patients who were admitted in the following departments (surgery, internal and gynecology department) at AL- ASSAD University Hospital in Lattakia in 2011-2012 from the age of 40 years and above. The study, which was based on a built-in statistical form of risk factors for breast cancer, showed that the percentage of the infected was 9,8%. All risk factors including ageing ,obesity, lack or absence of birth, late age at first childbirth, early puberty, late menopause, hormonal treatment, injuring a first degree relative, staying in cities and the size of bras increase the risk of breast cancer and the impact is worth respectively: 0,115-0,387-0,178-0,157-0,143-0,217-0,15-0,030-0,092-0,244-0,212.

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