The Relation Between the Obstacles of Contraception Usage and Unsafe Abortion in Syria

Abstract in English

Objectives: Syria is considered to have the highest fertility rate in the world, some of the reasons are due to women themselves and some are due to the health system and its providers. Methods: Our study is a cross sectional study. It included women at fertility age between (15-49 years) they were selected using cluster samples at the six Syrian regions. Results: The study showed that about (24%) of sampled women did not use any form of contraception. Husband refusal was the main reason, followed by health issues and fear of side effects, while religious believes and less frequent intercourse were only responsible for a small percentage. The study also showed that about half of the women who underwent induced abortion was because of social reasons and couples wishing not to keep the pregnancy, followed by failure of contraceptive methods mainly oral contraceptive pills. The majority of induced abortions (96%) were done surgically by dilatation and evacuation while medication was only used in a small percentage. Conclusion: Although (95%) of the induced abortions were done by specialists and (96%) of women were satisfied with the service provided, however this procedure was not devoid of major complications although it was in a small percentage but it was serious enough to affect the woman's life and her future fertility.

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