The Civil Liability of Media Web Sites

Abstract in English

Web sites have brought about a mass media revolution, that proved to be pivotal in the fields of change, Such web sites have even managed to compete with traditional media, both in terms of efficiency and popularity. Thus raising several intricate legal questions, in the forefront of these is the question of the civil liability of these mass media web sites for the harmful or illegal content thereof. Given the large number of persons usually in charge of operating such web sites the question is raised about how to identify the person liable, and about the cases where the liability of mass media web sites really exists .

References used

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Benoît Frydman and Isabelle Rorive, Regulating Internet Content through Intermediaries in Europe and the USA, Oxford January 2002, available at: http://www.droittechnologie. org/upload/dossier/doc/92-1.pdf
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