Objectivity from a Phenomenological Point of View: An Analytical Study

Abstract in English

The purpose of this article is to examine the possibility of immediate against mediated or theoretical knowledge. However, in both types of knowledge, there is a face to face confrontation. I encounter something which I wish to apprehend. Therefore, aspiration already assumes a duality, a gulf between me and that which faces me. The object is, as it were, already there, autonomous, present as a fact. This is, of course, a basic tenet of positivism and empiricism. The world as summation of all its possible contents is simply 'given'. This article also tries to enquire a little further into this perspective, questioning the nature of this objectivity exploring possible ambiguities. I shall be looking mostly at Kantian transcendentalism and Husserlian and Merleapontian phenomenology.

References used

Dufrenne, Mikel: Phenomenology of experience, PUF, Paris, 1967, p.iv
Husserl, Edmund: Formal logic, Tr. Suzanne Bacnclard, PUF, Paris, 1957, 160- 161
Husserl, Edmund: Ideas, Tr. W.R. Boyce Gibson, Collier, New York, 1962, 260-62
