Phenomena of Heritage in the Divan of "Brandishing of Tired Hands" to Mamdouh Adwan

Abstract in English

This research deals with the phenomena of heritage in the Divan of "Brandishing of Tired Hands" of the poet , "MamdouhAdwan" which he drew from the religious heritage , such as calling the figure "Ali bin AbiTalib" , and from the historical heritage, such as calling the figure "Saladin" , and the literary heritage , such as calling the figure "Alahtaih" and "Al-Mutanabbi" and others. Researcher shows the presence of heritage in the poetry of Adwan by intertextuality with the Koran , and with poetry, and shows influenced language of the divan by the language of heritage , and also addresses the poet's employment of the heritage in his divan, and concludes the results reported in its place of the research.

References used

الأصفهاني، أبو الفرج، الأغاني، دار إحياء التراث العربي، بيروت، ج 2
د. البرادعي، خالد محيي الدين، ديوان" تداعيات المتنبي بين يدي سيف الدولة"، منشورات اتحاد الكتاب العرب، دمشق 1976 م.
الحطيئة، ديوان الحطيئة بشرح أبي الحسن السكري، مطبعة التقدم بشارع محمد علي بمصر، دون ط، دون تا.
