A study on the uses of exterior stone coverage and suitability to Lattakia and its buildings

Abstract in English

In addition to the aesthetic role of buildings' façade stone coverage, there are many expected issues of this process notably identity and environmental friendly. This process is often used superficially and inappropriately in many cases it has been used for marketing purposes, sometimes resulting in an abuse of the goals and the process which was created for and deteriorated badly even the local identity of the city. Unfortunately, many of the architects were involved in the abuse. Hence the research finds the need to identify ways to use the texture in design and implementation processes, methods and the success of the use of stone environmentally, its success and the reasons for its failure to address the problems in Lattakia city, through knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of stone and methods.

References used

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www.startimes.com -2009
السفاريني، رنده. تقنيات الترميم، ورقة بحثية مقدمة لمؤتمر العمل الهندسي الاستشاري الثالث في فلسطين، عمان، الأردن، أيلول.
