The Image Of Women in Muhammad Al-Maghout's Poetry

Abstract in English

Woman has received a great importance since the dawn of history; therefore, she reached in ancient civilizations the status of sanctity and divinity, she moved from a specific denotation to another throughout the march of Arabic poetry until she reached the image of the independent woman in the Arabic Renaissance, and afterwards she turned into a symbol, a dream in contemporary Arabic poetry. Various are the images of women in Muhammad Al-Maghout's poetry, prominent of which are perhaps: woman as a beloved, as a harlot, a mother, a wife, a daughter and a symbol-dream, thus proceeding from describing woman sensually to metaphorically, depending upon several techniques such as the paradox, surprise and flashback and others. Behind these there is a personality characterized by suffering alienation and lack of emotional self-fulfillment, and we find that woman in his eyes is not a mere beauty, but someone who makes the four directions one, namely, woman is love, leniency, a warm haven and liberty.

References used

ابن منظور، 1955 م، لسان العرب، ط 1، دار صادر، بيروت.
الماغوط، محمّد ، 2006 م، " البدوي الأحمر"، ط 1، دار المدى، دمشق.
الماغوط، محمّد ، 2006 م، سيّاف الزّىور، ط 2، دار المدى، دمشق.
