Crime eavesdropping on telephone communications in the context of the Syrian Telecommunications Act No. 18 of 2010

Abstract in English

Considered studies and legal research - about crime eavesdropping - a few to some extent, and are almost the majority of the studies that were presented to eavesdrop as an ingredient in other crime , a crime disclosure or publication , due to the absence of a legal regime for the crime of eavesdropping on the dial in most legislation . With the issuance of the Communications Act Syrian No. 18 of 2010 , it became necessary to talk about crime eavesdropping on telephone communications , and will be presented the study to determine the concept of tapping them and points of differentiation between them and some of the terminology to identify legal form her , and displays the search restrictions contained on the individual's right to protect the privacy of his intelligence telephone. The search ends eavesdropping offense to be considered independent , with the exceptions of public interest and the security of society and the state.

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