Narcissism and the Image of the Other in Omar Bin Abi Rabee’a’s Poetry

Abstract in English

This study aims at analyzing the poetic content of the poetry of an Omayyad poet who was born to a wealthy family which was so close to the Court. The objective of the study is to shed light on one of the most salient features of literary creativity and literary masterpieces-whether poetic or prose- which is the human essence that stimulates human creativity and the doublet of this essence, that is the Other. This study attempts to identify the most prominent subjective features in the poetry of Omar as a famous poet who became a phenomenon in the field of poetic and literary creativity through mastering flirtation poets and poetry in his era. It should be mentioned that the image of the Other in Omar’s poetry examined in this study is the image of woman which considerably resembles that image presented in the work of the majority of other poets. However, this same image varies in Omar’s poetry. Woman is represented as the chaste, beloved, and the rebellious.

References used

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