Analytical Study of Spatial Organization of facilities and amenities Network and Service Centers in Towns

Abstract in English

Spatial organization of facilities depend on the analyzing of the distribution of the networks of establishments and service centers in cities with focus on the study of complementarity and comparability of the place, place settlement (place distribution and density), service areas, wider access of shopping service, in addition to a good coordination (administrative, technical and consumptive) forming the place service construction. This should all lead in the end to the best geographic distribution of the networks of facilities and service centers within a comprehensive and complete system in cities at present and in the future. Good geographical distribution of service location must reduce the consumers' time and create the largest possible social and economic set of activities. There must be justice in distribution, and equal access to the services, in addition to satisfactory quality for the population in quantity and variety, in a way that corresponds with the natural, social, demographic, economic and constructive conditions of the place (like city size, shape, functions, location, the population and their qualifications, the opening times during which the city can provide the service to the residents, the percentage of service consumers and their class, the nature of the organizing plan of the city and the use of the land there, the road net, and means of transport and others.) The establishments, service centers, facilities and the services are distributed to suit in quantity and variety with the residential districts and territories. The central part of the city contains most service activities, because it forms the easiest way of getting transport, and this identifies the great importance in place in organizing services in the city. The smallest the city is, the better the access to services. It is necessary here to distribute the service establishments among the city quarters, regions, places of work, social and scientific centers, and locations of access to means of transport. It must emerge from the consumers' preferences and their interests, the state capacities, and the constant need to develope the planning of residential services in the city

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