Study on the rule of regulatory and institutional framework for applying urban-rural linkage strategy for regional development plan

Abstract in English

Regional development studies focuses on management of the effects of unbalanced spatially development, which causes a failure in the relationship between cities and their neighboring rural area or hinterlands, especially ones that related to the terms of urbanization, land use conversion, and inability of national legislations to face all topics at regional and local level. so, Urban –rural linkage concept was suggested as a main strategy for comprehensive regional development plans by (UN- HABITAT) on 2003, but the effective application was linked with development of institutional performance providing appropriate regulatory tools and mechanism, action plan, and resource’s recall. This research introduces a proposal for action plan to apply urban –rural linkage, reviews the regulatory institutional frameworks in Syria, makes a recommendation to enhance and reinforcement the good part, and provides a new mechanisms for comprehensive development vision in Syria .

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