A study Of Some problems Facing Extension Agents In Tartous Province

Abstract in English

This research dealt with an identification of some problems that confronting with Extension Agent works in Tartous province. This research depended on a questionnaire traditional indent in which data were collected ,through the correspondence with a random sample of 224 quid ,and data were analyzed statistically by using repetition and percentages whereas the majority of the inspected were basically suffering from lack of financial motivations, additional wages, adequate transportation, the large number of rurals who are required to deal with ,the lack of requirements of the guidance work ,the lack of flexibility to do the necessary adjustments in the guidance program, and there is so no freedom to make decisions a pant from the managers of work .consequently ,the study recommended a set of recommendation which improve the vitality of guidance work in Tartous , and raise the status of agriculture agents in front of their guidance audience.

References used

Bradfield, D.J (1966)- Guide of Extension Training. F.A.O, Rome
Glenn, D ( 1992) – Sampling the evidence of extension program impact program evaluation and organizational development IFAS, university of Florida.PEOQ-5, October
Mosher, A.T (1966) – Getting Agricultural Moving. F.A.Paeger, New York
Mounder. (1972) – Agricultural Extension. A reference Manual, F.A.O, Rome
