Reading in reality mechanisms for the implementation of Security Council rules of international humanitarian law

Abstract in English

The role of the UN Security Council in the implementation of the rules of international humanitarian law through the authority granted to him under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations if it is exposed these rules are violated, especially when committing war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, which is a threat to international peace and security. Under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations Security Council to resort to measures stipulated by articles 41 and 42 of the Charter, including economic sanctions and responded to in Article 41, for example, but not limited to, the use of armed force contained in Article 42, in order to ensure respect for the rules of law IHL and thus keeping international peace and security, but that practice has proved the failure of the Security Council this task in many areas of the world, but on the contrary, the international forces operating in order to maintain international peace and security committed crimes in violation of international humanitarian law and targeted many civilians. And reflected the role of the Security Council is also in the implementation of the rules of international humanitarian law through the establishment of criminal tribunals temporary, such as those established in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, and its relationship with the International Criminal Court after the Rome Statute in 1998, and the evaluation of this power and the relationship to refer the crimes without the other, which contributed to the realization of the principle of duplication and giving priority to political considerations at the expense of international justice that the world today desperately need it.

References used

Gerard Niyungeki, The implementation of International humanitarian law the principle of state sovereignty, International review of the Red Gross, March-April,1991,No.281,p.128
pellet Alain,”Le tribunal criminal international pour l ex- Yougoslavie:Poudr aux yeux Ou avancee decisive?” Revue Generale de Droit Internaitonal Public, N l,Editions A-pedone, Paris,1994,pp.07-60,p8
