Analytical Study Of Beautiful Values In The Book Content (My Language Arabic ) For Forth Grade Fundimental

Abstract in English

The problem of this research is represented by this question : what are the available aesthetic values in the Arabic language book "My language" for the fourth grade of the first circle (series) of the basic educational stage? research aims to realize the aesthetic values of the book "My language" for the fourth grade in the first series of the basic educational stage and Presenting suggestions on the light of this study which enrich the book in aesthetic values ,This research helps in presenting Suggestions which can help the designers of the books and courses in developing the Arabic language books for other grades, the methodology of research depends on the descriptive method in presenting the problem and explain its sides the objective limits the Arabic language book “My language “for the fourth grade in the Syrian Arab Republic and the time limits the year 2013 – 2014,the research tools are a card for analyzing the Arabic language book “My language” into aesthetic values, A card for analyzing the Arabic language book “My language” into aesthetic values depending on the content, and the results of the research The Research gets the following results , for answering the aniston the book concentrates on aesthetic values and neglects others, some of values are available100%and a large section of them are available17% ,there are general suggestions, which they are the following 1- Revising the book is the subject of this study according to its results2-Studying the teacher and education supervisors and the specialists before starting developing the studying books,3-Doingsimilar researches for the Arabic language books ”MyLanguage”,

References used

MOLODS,W,2002-methods of search,New york, p 214
NEIL,G,0991 – Beautyand art, Minnesota university , p 235
الإبراهيم ،سالم ، 2002 ، التقويم التربوي . ط ( 1 ) ، مكتبة الرشيد الرياض ، ص 198
