Vision in the Discourse of Daydreams and Dreams in Classical Arabic Literature

Abstract in English

This paper aims at studying the relationship between vision and dream literature. This paper takes as a starting point the notion that dream literature is a vision literature because it carries connotations and various culrural subtexts. It considers dream literature in cultural subtexts since it overlaps with political, epistemological, aesthetic and marginalized subtexts. It also views dream literature as an open literary text which overlaps with other genres. This paper examines the functions of dream literature in terms of its affinity with vision and genre.

References used

أدونيس: 2002 ، صدمة الحداثة و سلطة الموروث الشعري ، ط8، دار الساقي ، بيروت
إخوان الصفا: 2011 ، رسائل إخوان الصفا و خلان الوفا، ط 3، دار صادر، بيروت
الأصفهاني ، أبو الفرج:1994,الأغاني ، دار إحياء التراث العربي ، بيروت
