Civic Education

Abstract in English

Civic Education: refers to a supporting system to the civilizational and cultural heritage and developing the capacity of individuals in public judgments. In addition, it aims at developing the collective thinking that supports the community and its actions, besides establishing particular considerations for different viewpoints , perspectives and expectations and have a dialogue with them. Civic Education: clarifies the concept of civil society, civic identity, responsibility, principles of citizenship, virtues, participatory skills and the rights and duties within the concept of 'civil'. Furthermore, Civic Education develops political participation and leadership skills within a civil and democratic society.

References used

د.السواح, فراس, دين الإنسان, (سورية, دمشق, دار علاء الدين, 1994), ص3
د.عطا, محمد, د.أحمد تيم, فوزي, النظم السياسية العربية المعاصرة, (ليبيا, نشر جامعة قار يونس, 1980 ), ص 84
د.الجنحاني, الحبيب, المجتمع المدني بين النظرية و التطبيق, ( مجلة آفاق المعرفة, عدد أب لعام2003 , دار الفكر بدمشق), ص 12
