The Guarding Creatures Of The Ancient Oriental Gates

Abstract in English

Old East man had brought to perfection a lot of Art works, including many of what on his mind and imagination of visions and thoughts. Superstitious Creatures which were formed by mixing a group of creatures with each others were one of his mental and fired imagination achievements The releif and other Art works contain monuments, like statoes paintings, jewelry, ivory, bones, wood and athermaterials which man used to achieve these Art pieces. In the Assyrian Civilization, winged bulls appeared with human crowned heads (Lamasu). These wonderful sculptures stood on the gates and palaces and castles entrances, and through their position, they expressed Assyria’s greatness and their kings power. They spread terrify and horror in the enemies hearts, same as magic, they also were support to the entrances because of their big stone mass.

References used

Jeremy black – Anthony Green: Gods, Demons and symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, London University, 1992, p115
Art and empire – edited J.E. Cortis and J. E. Reade published by British Museum press, 1995. P40
Ezabel Bordial and Nasera zoyd: Sphinx son vrai visage devoile – science & vie – Mars 2005
