Early Surgical management for Neurological intermittent claudication

Abstract in English

Background& Objective: the early surgical intervention for neurological caludication cases which are often caused by severe degenerative lumbar canal stenosis gives excellent results especially on near term. To confirm that early surgical intervention, early timing for severe lumbar canal stenosis which caused signs and symptoms of neurological claudication, can yield excellent functional and motor results for patient and it returns thim to good life activity. Materials & Methods: This study was done retrospectively for neurological caludication cases in elderly patients admitted to neurosurgery department at Al-assad university hospital in the period between 2007– 2010 year. (53) Patients underwent posterior laminectomy, with or without vertebral fixation accompanied. Results: The direct improvement of the surgery was 75 % for neurological claudication and 79% after one year of surgery. Radical pain accompanied with neurological clauication improved fully in 66 % directly after surgery, up 75 % after one year. The sensory symptoms were low grade improvement, which was about 56% partial improvement directly after surgery and fully in 34%up to 28% – 66%after one year of surgery. The complications were few and mild in (11 %). Conclusion: Early surgical intervention to all cases of neurological claudication especially in the elderly gives magnificent results (motor & sensory) with good functional activity improvement in comparison to conservative therapy.

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