A Radiographic Study of The Influence of Interimplant Distance on Crestal Bone Resorption using Euroteknika implant system

Abstract in English

Background & Objective: Interimplant distance is one of the factors influencing interimplant crestal bone resorption. In addition, Several studies have shown the ability of microthreads and platform switching to minimize crestal bone resorption around implants. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of interimplant distances of 2 mm and 3 mm on the vertical resorption of interimplant bone peak. Methods & Materials: 39 implants were inserted in 13 patients ( 6 males and 7 females) whose ages ranged between 30 -55 years old with an average of 43.7 years. Every patient received 3 implants in the posterior mandible. Thus, we had tow study groups: First group where the interimplant distance was 2mm, and the second group where the interimplant distance was 3mm.The amount of vertical resorption of interimplant bone peak was measured radiographically at implant exposure, prosthesis delivery, 3 months after loading, and 6 months after loading. Statistical comparisons were performed using T student test ,and the P-value was set at 0.05. Results: No statistically significant differences were found between the 2 groups regarding the amount of vertical resorption of interimplant bone peak . The mean vertical resorption of interimplant bone peak was 0.48 mm in the first group and 0.23 mm in the second group at the end of study. Conclusion: Within the limits of this study, there are no statistically significant differences in the influence of interimplant distance of 2mm and 3mm on interimplant crestal bone resorption.

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