Estimating the level of lead in the eucalyptus leaves

Abstract in English

The importance of research being deals with the problem of significant environmental concern the pollution of the plant , soil and air component lead as a result of rapid industrial development since the twentieth century . Was selected Eucalyptus for several considerations , including the widening spread and being one of the bumpers wind that might ease the arrival of pollutants in the atmosphere to regions far geographically . was selected several sites of Homs in order to examine the content of the soil and leaves Eucalyptus from a bullet was found that the concentration of lead element in the plant was caused by air pollution , where not shown the existence of relations clear engagement between the content of soils of lead ( for a total and disposable absorption ) with the lead content of the plant . Ranged concentration of lead overall in the soil between 1.98 ppm ( through Homs - peaceful ) and 72.47 ppm ( Highway Tartus in the south ) , and the average of 4.857 ppm, did not exceed the concentration of lead in the samples studied , both inside the city or outside the normal limit and values lead stainless absorption in the soil ranged from ppm (19.02- 0.02), ranged lead concentration in the plant between 2.01ppm and 10.35ppm and this concentration of lead element within the permissible limits but with time become toxic showing a lack of liaison relationships between the component lead either in the soil or plant with the CaCO3 and Active lime. Finally we can say that the contamination of the plant within the city is higher than elsewhere because of the busy traffic . Add to that the increase in soil lead content available led to increase the concentration of lead in Eucalyptus,leaves

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