The Effectiveness of an Interactive Multiplicate Program Designed by PowerPoint in Science Teaching for Students in The Second Grade

Abstract in English

This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of a computer program designed by PowerPoint to teach second grade's students science. It also aims to promote the principle of the integration of technology in education , in addition to showing how to use computer software in teaching science. The sample of the research consisted of (100) students from the second grade , and it was divided into two groups : an experimental group consisted of (50) students who will be taught by using the computer program, and a control group consisted of (50) students who will be taught by the usual methods. The research tools were a pre-post test and a computer program designed by PowerPoint that deals with several issues of second grade's science. And the results were as follows : 1- The effectiveness of the computer program in teaching science, where the results of the experimental group -that were taught by using the computer program- were higher than the results of the control group -that were taught by the usual ways. 2- There is no effect of the students' genus in their results after learning with the computer program . 3- The results of the rural students were higher than the city students ones , after using the computer program in teaching.

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