Ions' Release from Co-Cr Frameworks following Ceramic Thermal Firing Process

Abstract in English

Co-Cr alloys have excellent corrosion resistance, but in the ceramic firing process, they are exposed to high temperatures that may affect the alloy corrosion causing ions' release. We aimed to study the effect of ceramic firing on Co, Cr ions release from Co-Cr frameworks. So, 30 Co-Cr models were fabricated and divided randomly into two equal groups: 1st group: (control), 2nd group: exposed to ceramic firing conditions. Then samples were submerged in artificial saliva for one month, and measurements of released ions were performed using atomic absorption spectrometry. Concentrations of both cobalt and chromium ions released in control group (in μg/l) were less than those in 2nd group (without a statistically significant difference). We can consider ceramic firing as safe and acceptable process that slightly increase Co, Cr ions release from Co-Cr frameworks.

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