westernism culture in contemporary arab thought

Abstract in English

to know the science of westernism whose features appeared in contemporary Arab thought by the thinker Hassen Hanafi, and contribution in its development via identifying its features first; "and to criticize it Second." is today considered to be a must, but rather urgent "to avoid having fallen in the limit of an Arab civilized identity which is convulsive and rejecting the other through a predetermined judgment and a textual thought which is undebatable and not less difficult than the undebntability and darkness of the fundament alist salafi mind that forbids diligence, rationality and development. The research deals with the needs to form the science of westernism as per the arab ego to be pure and free from western colonial cultural orientalism indirectly, being far from reaction as centeralized on the axis of self-arrogance towards uprising arab scientific thought whose concern is to keep abreast of the world and go into history with keeping up the ego safe and secure, through analyzing the phenomenon of western superiority and detecting the keys of power and its reasons to find why we are fused in the western civilization. This is to stop being fascinated excessively by that, to get rid of that or to lessen the duality of south and north or arabs and the western to get to a state of international participation in making the pillars of civilization, and to stop being annexed to the west and taking with no return. Not doing that, the picture of the arab and the muslim will not be corrected for themselves first and for the world second. Thus, this research is an attempt to focus on the leading role of arabs and muslims to have a thought mechanism, not pragmatic but scientific to keep abreast of history force with no clash or being annexed, so it should be noted that orientalism is a thought that stands on the opposite bank of the westernized thought . today, the west is especially fully ready to get any Arabic text to criticize it, including America, and to criticize its racism in order to be considered as serving their centrality in an attempt to make arab drain purchased especially those who think of the arab Islamic identity to have them work for their mythodology because this colonialism is not pure coincidence, but it is based on hardworking pursuit in avery tireless way.

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