The existence degree of the school violence among the high School students in the high schools in Lattakia according to teachers' points of view

Abstract in English

The Research aims at recognizing the opinions of public high school teachers in Lattakia governorate, And determine the difference in their opinions according to many variables as: (Teacher Gender, School Place, Experience and both the Educational and Scientific Qualifications). The Researcher chose a Sample, including 36 teacher of both genders "male and female" work in the Public High School during the school year 2013-2014. And to achieve the purposes of the Research, the Researcher designed a questionnaire. Then , the questionnaire to committee of nine arbitrators in both Damascus and Tishreen University, where the committee proved the questionnaire after it was applied to the group of 30 teachers, then calculating (Alfa Cronbagh), which evaluates in 0.91. The research showed the following results:(The size of the school violence is in the medium magnitude, and the Results showed that there are no important differences between the opinions of teachers of high school in Lattakia about the extent of the school violence there are in schools, according to the following variables:(Teacher Gender, School Place) and that there are important differences according to the following variables(teacher Experience and educational scientific qualification). In Conclusion, the Research included some proposals, the more important of them:( Find a substitute for the Beating Prevention Law, in way aims at making the student bears a part of his responsibility towards his life, study and school, and Open a discussion with students to express their opinions, and give trust to them).

References used

ابن منظور - قاموس لسان العرب. الجزء التاسع، دار إحياء التراث العربي، بيروت لبنان، 1996 ، ج 18 الحمداني، حامد - المشاكل التي تجابه أبناءنا.ص54 دويك، جواد - العنف المدرسي 2000 ص 19
