Literary criticism and history of ideas Search in the curricula of philosophy literary

Abstract in English

This study is based on the monitoring attempt based on combining three fields of knowledge are: philosophy, history, literature, reflected this attempt in the biography of science is the science of the history of ideas, and this is science culmination of the evolution of the two fields the first two; philosophy evolved Mbagesha of (metaphysics), to ( theory of knowledge); also resulted in other sciences as a science meeting, and Ethics. As history has maintained relative stability in terms of subject matter, identify the actions of human beings and their curricula, until the appearance of the philosophy of history taught ideal motives and Supreme underlying structures behind human. The third field any literature has remained a laboratory for each development, it is the scene of test philosophy forest, and specifically different research methods included in the field who is also the document adopted by historians in their studies and their work in the course of nations and their actions . The Mathol study presented is another type of philosophy, literary, which to this type of approach substantive literature to Atjal Thread literary purpose as much Matjal ideas - the constituent units of this topic purpose, and therefore taught literature and the same thought in the dynamics and evolution and change, being studied in more Msarha inclusive diversity in literature, and are in the process of typing another kind of history is the history of an individual separate from the history Bashklah unwavering: metaphysician (divine), and material (ground)

References used

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