The Affects Psychology, Sociology which the teachers suffer them Results of Professional Tresses According to Family Position and The Teaching Experiment Variable "A field Study in First episode of Basic Stag of Education"

Abstract in English

The research aims to make known the psychology and sociology effects of stresses of teaching professional on teachers in first episode from basic learning , and known the correlation between teachers according to the variables (family position , and teaching experience in learning). The research adopted the descriptive method, by the questionnaire it has been used to collect the facts and the data from sample includes(100 ) teachers in Damascus city schools. The questionnaire includes( 33 ) term , ( 19) from them about psychology effects and( 14) from them about social effects . The result of study were finding : There are identical between opinions of all teachers about psychology and social effects of stresses of learning vocation, especially, psychology effects (weakness of motive to improvement, non suit vocational leering and no carry of aspirants ) . so sociology effects ( avoid talk with colleagues , the salary not suit for social statute, and not co-operation between colleagues for development. There are positive correlation relationship between opinions of sample members about psychology and social effects, according to variable of tamily position(married, non married)Coefficient Correlation ( 91,69-79V33). There are positive correlation relationship between opinions of sample members about psychology effects, according to variable of experience years. (ten year and less, more than ten years ), Coefficient Correlation ( 72,63). There are negative correlation relationship between opinions of sample members about social effects, according to variable of experience years. (ten year and less, more than ten years), Coefficient Correlation ( 11,88).

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