Evaluation of Maternal Immunity against Chicken Anemia Virus in Meat Type Chickens

Abstract in English

This study evaluates the maternal immunity to chicken anemia virus in broiler chicks. Two groups, of only one day old chicks, have been breeding . The first group was obtained from a vaccinated breeder flock against chicken anemia virus .The second one was obtained from unvaccinated breeder flock against the same disease. Blood samples were collected from the chicks every five days starting from the first day of their birth. The test was performed enzyme –linked immunoassay (ELISA) to measure antibody titer for chicken anemia virus in these birds. The research results have shown that the average antibody levels for the first group was (3344) for the one day old chicks while (4144) for the second group. The results have also shown that there was a decrease in the average antibody levels during 15 days. This research has proved prevalence of disease in unvaccinated flock

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