An Evaluation of Extension Supporting Units in the Coastal Area of Syria

Abstract in English

The study aimed at identifying the availability of extension working tools and identifying support provided to the extension units. Also some personal and professional characteristics of agricultural specialists working in supporting extension units were study Their training, communication with agricultural units , farmers and scientific research centers were investigated. The study was carried out in the coastal area of Syria and all supporting extension units (16 units) in that area were included. To achieve the objectives of the study a questioner was designed and data was collected from all extension specialists in these units (57specialists). The results of the research showed that, supporting units provided technical support to extension units, according to the majority of specialists (88%) and extensionistes (90.6%) with availability of most technical, instructional and educational tools in supporting units. Also it was observed that 26% of agriculture specialists in supporting units did not attend any extension training(courses) and 19% of them attended only one training course, Also 52.6% of specialists rarely communicated with research centers and 28.1% of them did not communicate at all, due to difficulties in reaching to these centers, according to 72% of them. Lack of the means of transportation was the most important obstacles (52.6%) faced the specialists in their Extension work.

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