The Relationship between Oral Mucosal Tissue Thickness and Crestal Bone Resorption around Dental Implants

Abstract in English

The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of the mucosal tissue thickness on the crestal bone resorption around dental implants during a year of follow-up. Nine patients of both sexes included in this study received 24 implants. Patients in the sample were divided into two groups: group I (mucosa above 2 mm, and 12 implants), and group II (mucosa up to 2 mm, and 12 implants). Implants in each group were divided into two groups: a control where 6 implants were placed at the crest level, and a test where (6) implants were placed 2mm supracrestally. The results revealed that there was an increase in crestal bone loss in group 2 with statistically significant differences. To conclude, the initial thickness of mucosa at the time of implant placement affects crestal bone loss; increased bon loss occurs when the tissue thickness is 2 mm or less at the time of implant placement.

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