The Private Sector & Its Role in Developing the Manufactured Exports in the Light of the Syrian Foreign Trade Liberalization

Abstract in English

This study addresses the nature of the role played by the private sector in the Syrian economy by monitoring the evolution of the size and quality of this role particularly in the foreign trade sector. The importance of that springs as a result of increasing reliance upon it as a development engine in developing countries when the transition to a market economy model with orientation to open up to the international economy and the liberalization of foreign trade, when the reliance is upon the dynamics of the private sector to play a main role in this period. In the light of adopting the model of social economic market and the liberalization of Syrian foreign trade, the private sector has been given an increasing role in production and foreign trade activities. That was combined with the retrieve of public sector. The private sector in Syria had approved its dynamics and ability to meet the given role through increasing its activity in industrial production and its share in export especially in manufactured export.

References used

John Weiss: Export Growth and Industrial Policy: Lessons from the East Asian Miracle experience, ADB: Asian Development Bank. Paper No.26.Feruary 2005
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