The Impact of Resistance to Change on the Efficiency of the Organization's Performance A Field Study on the City Council Workers Lattakia

Abstract in English

The research aims to study the impact resistance of employees to change the efficiency of the performance of the organization of Lattakia City Council and the relevant directorates. It studies the differences between working in their resistance to change depending on the variables of gender, age, experience, and qualifications. The researcher adopts the descriptive analytical method. The research community includes all employees in the departments of the Council of Lattakia's (3160) factor, with a sample size of (343) workers, to whom forms were distributed. (331) forms returned as complete and valid for statistical analysis, and response rated (96.5%). The most important results: 1. Workers in the departments of the Lattakia City Council resist change, it appears that through their opposition to the new laws that do not serve them, their search for the gains of character, regardless of the results, a preference for routine work, the achievement of their business slowly, and not cast them new ideas a long time ago. 2. There is a strong correlation between resistance and counter-productive workers to change the performance and efficiency of the organization, i.e., the greater the resistance to change as workers decreased efficiency of the performance of the organization, where that (64.8%) of the discrepancy in the efficiency of the organization's performance is explained by staff resistance to change. 3. The lack of statistically significant differences between the mean answers workers in their resistance to change depending on the personal characteristics (sex, experience, age, academic qualification).

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