The impact of the liquidity and efficiency of administrative and financial solvency on the profitability of private banks listed in the Damascus Securities Exchange

Abstract in English

This study aimed to search for the possibility of a relationship between liquidity ratios, administrative efficiency, and financial solvency, and the proportion of private profitability of banks listed on the Damascus Securities Exchange during the period (2009-2013). The study to achieve these goals depending on statistical and financial analysis methods were used to analyze the data SPSS statistical program. As was calculated annual percentage changes for each of the studied descent, in addition to the average growth rate during the period studied, and that each bank of the studied and listed banks in the Damascus Securities Exchange. After making sure that the data are subject to normal distribution application Kolmogerov- Smirnov test (K-S), and thus have been studying the relationship between each of the studied ratios (liquidity, administrative efficiency, and financial solvency) and profitability to see the impact of each of these ratios on profitability, using simple regression, and then the most influential on profitability, the percentage using multiple regression. The study concluded that between the ratio of liquidity and profitability of the privat banks is an inverse relationship, and the relationship between the ratio of administrative efficiency and profitability of the privat banks is a positive correlation, while the relationship between the ratio of financial solvency and profitability of the privat banks is a positive correlation also. Where the solvency ratio is the most influential in the the privat banks. This confirms that the nature of the work of the privat banks based on the principle of return and risk. The study recommended that future research to expand the terms of the framework only temporal and spatial boundaries and the size of the sample, and not only the private banks, but that this study include other sectors listed in the Damascus Securities Exchange. Moreover, recommended that private banks to work to diversify its investments in addition to the mitigation of the conservative policy followed by the private banks. The study recommended maintaining the level of administrative efficiency for private banks and improved through training courses that will improve employee productivity, and reduce expenses through the assets of the bank

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