A Ccomparative Study of Oxytocin and Misoprostol in Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage

Abstract in English

This search included 150 pregnant women who had gestational age of 36 weeks or more, and had been admitted to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Al – Assad University Hospital in Lattakia for the spontaneous vaginal delivery during the study period ( 1\1\2012 to 1\7\ 2013). Exclusion criteria were patients undergoing cesarean section, patients with placenta previa, or abruptio placenta, patients with hemoglobin<9 gm%, pregnancy-induced hypertension or pre eclampsia–eclampsia, grand multiparty, coagulation abnormalities, positive history of PPH, expensive hemorrhage or other medical disorders. Patients were randomly divided into three groups: ( 1: uterine massage group, 2: 10 units oxytocin in 500 cc glucose 5% intravenously with delivery of the anterior sholder\ control group, 3: three 200µg rectal misoprostol tablets\study group). No significant differences were observed between the groups regarding baseline characteristics. There was blood loss of ≥500 ml occurred in 18% in the first group, 6% in the second group, 8% in the third group. Routine use of 600 µg of rectal misoprostol was effective in reducing blood loss after delivery ل gm%, pregnancyts with hemoglobin}ergoing cesarean section, patients with placenta pre and g (RR 0.44 ; CI 0.32 – 1.53), but not as effective as intravenous oxytocin (RR 1.33 ; CI 0.4 – 3.39). Although these were differences, they were not significant (No significant differences were observed between the control and study groups for the length of the third stage of labor, the estimated blood loss, the changes in Hb and Hct concentrations, need for additional uterotonics, manual removal of placenta, blood transfusion…..). This dose of misoprostol and route of administration were well tolerated, and usual side effects such as shivering and fever were transient, resolved on their own, and were not threatening. Because PPH is the most significant direct cause of maternal mortality and because most of these maternal mortality occurs in low resource countries, misoprostol offers several advantages over oxytocin in such settings. It is formulated as a tablet, widely available and affordable, and it does not need require special storage conditions (i.e. it is stable at ambient room temperature and does not require specific conditions for transfer and has a shelf-life of several years). It also does not require any special skills, equipment, or facilities for its use. So misoprostol can fill a service delivery gap in settings where women and providers are unable to access oxytocin.ل gm%, pregnancyts with hemoglobin}ergoing cesarean section, patients with placenta pre and g

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