Treatment of Dark Circles by Fruit Acids (Alpha Hydroxyl Acids) and Vitamin K

Abstract in English

Dark circles around the eyes cause cosmetic and psychological problems. They are the most common cause of major cosmetic problems after wrinkles. Thus there is a need to look for new therapeutic options to improve the unacceptable cosmetic cases. In our research, we evaluated the effectiveness of each fruit acid and vitamin k in the treatment of dark circles around the eyes in 120 patients. The patients were randomly divided into three groups of 40 patients each. In the first group, fruit acid of 40% density was used as the only treatment. In the second group, topical vitamin k of 2% density was used as the only treatment. In the third group, both of fruit acids and the vitamin k were used for treatment. The goal of this study was to determine the best therapeutic protocol to treat dark circles around the eyes

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