Effectiveness of a Suggested Training Program to Improve Performance Skill of the Setting Proficiency to Position "Three" in the Syrian Ladies Volleyball Category

Abstract in English

This research is carried out on a sample of 8 players who are setters selected from the Syrian ladies teams. The researcher used the experiential method because it suits the nature of the research, and divided the sample into two groups: experimental and control group. The researcher carried out a pre-test on the two groups. Then the experimental program was put into practice for 8 weeks, three training units per week for the experimental group. Later a post–experimental test, similar to the pre-test, was carried out on the two groups, the experimental and control group. The researcher concludes that the exercises that were used in the program had led to considerable improvement of performance by the experimental group.

References used

Fall, W .Insights and Strategies for winning volleyball, leisure ,U.S.A , 1984, p45
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