"Analysis of the content of Soccer curriculum for the first-year students in the cognitive domain, according to viewpoint of the students, depending on Bloom's Taxonomy"

Abstract in English

The theoretical part of Soccer curriculum, for the first-year students, is considered as an important element in its teaching process, which helps to deliver the theoretical and necessary information helping students to comprehend and understand the moving skills and how to carry them out, in addition to avoid the common mistakes which usually commited by them. The aim of this scientific research is to stand up to the reality of taught Soccer curriculum, how teaching it and the quality of its vocabulary in accordance with the requirements of quality, reliability and standards of NARS. For this purpose, questionnaires have been distributed to 54 students according to Bloom's Taxonomy relying on its six levels in order to evaluate and assess the content of curriculum. It was shown that the results were suitability and fitting with the curriculum's content, teaching methods and the capabilities of the students, which means that the curriculum is qualified and its objectives and targets are achieved

References used

(Benjamin S. Bloom: Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cogntive Domain, New York: David Mckay. (1966
أمين الخولي، جمال الشافعي: مناهج التربية البدنية، ط 1، دار الفكر العربي القاهرة، 2000
جبرايل بشارة، اسما الياس: المناهج التربوية، جامعة دمشق / قسم رياض الاطفال، دمشق، 2006
