A Comparative Study of T.O.T and Kelly Operation in the Management of Stress Urinary Incontinence Experienced by Women

Abstract in English

The study contains 70 patients , who were divided into two groups: A: 52 patients, who have been managed with T.O.T for stress urinary incontinence in women. B: 18patient s , who have been managed with Kelly for stress urinary incontinence in women. Age: 76.7% of the patients were more than 40 years old. 77,83% of them were multipare (more than 3 children). Complication : Bleeding was the most common complication with both groups (A=9.61% , B=5.5%). Residual Urine(0-25ml) was 51.9% with group A, while it was 66.6%in group B. Relapse: relapse rate was 13.46% in group A, while it was 11.3 % in group B. Hospitalization: 77.9% of group A stayed at for three days or less, while 94.17% of group B stayed for just one day. Time of Procedure : (less1\ 2 h)in group A 13.4 %, while it was 72.2% in group B.

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