Comparing Treatment Results of Silodosin and Doxazosin in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasya.

Abstract in English

This research aims to compare the therapeutic results of Silodosin, Doxozosin in patients with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia. A random sample was taken of (67) patients at Assad University Hospital in Lattakia, and was divided into two groups: the first group was treated using Silodosin, and the second group was treated using Doxozosin. We studied the therapeutic development of patients after one month, three months, six months of treatment. Measurements were recorded (Ipss, Qol, Qmax) for both groups. Using appropriate statistical methods, we reached the following results: Equality of the two groups of patients before applying the treatment. The effectiveness of both drugs (Silodosin and Doxozosin) in the treatment of patients with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, where results showed an improvement in therapeutic measurements (Ipss, Qol, Qmax) by time. The effectiveness of the drug Silodosin in the treatment of patients with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, compared with the efficacy of the drug Doxozosin, where results showed that therapeutic measurements (Ipss, Qol, Qmax) recorded a better improvement within the first group that was treated using Silodosin when compared with the results of measurements of the second group that was treated using Doxozosin

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