Articular eminence Inclination and its relationship with incisors mesiodistal inclination in skeletal class I occlusion adults with no clinical and radiographic symptoms of TMDs

Abstract in English

Articular eminence participates in the functional formation of the posterior guidance of the mandibular movement, it's the anatomical point where functional stresses can result in alteration of the contours of the articular eminence, and its inclination respectively, Hence, orthodontists need to know the relationship between the articular eminence Inclination and the mesiodistal inclination of upper and lower incisors to achieve more stable results of orthodontics treatment. Aim The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship of upper and lower incisors mesiodistal inclination with the inclination of the articular eminence in class I skeletal occlusion in adult subjects with no clinical nor radiographic symptoms of TMDs. Materials and methods: In result of radiographic study and a multistage clinical examination protocol, 46 Caucasian patients with no prior orthodontics treatment were selected (19 males, 27 females) from 16 to 27 years of age with skeletal class I occlusion and no clinical or radiographic signs and symptoms of TMDs. Furthermore, cephalometric evaluating of the Inclination of the articular eminence and the mesiodistal inclination of the incisors was performed; Pearson's Correlation Coefficient was calculated to investigate the relationship of articular eminence Inclination with the mesiodistal inclination of the incisors. Results: no significant relationship between incisors mesiodistal inclination and the articular eminence inclination was found. Conclusions the steepness of the articular eminence appears not to vary with mesiodistal inclination of the incisors in skeletal class I occlusion adults with no clinical and radiographic symptoms of TMDs

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